Sunday, May 15, 2011

The beginning of an exciting blogging experiment!


Let me introduce myself...

My name is Jessie Funk and I am a mother of three, domestically challenged, an amazing tomohawk thrower, scared of the dark, and gifted with understanding what makes teen girls tick. I am so passionate about this gift that I have founded The Ivy Girl Academy. We hold seven hour workshops for teen girls where we teach the "12 Levels of Ladyhood," which are...
1. Confidence
2. Social Class
3. Gratitude
4. Self-Defense
5. Etiquette
6. Service
7. Grooming
8. Health
9. Motherhood
10.Personal Power
11.Positive Mental Atmosphere

These twelve areas are vital for a young lady to understand so she can face her life head on with nothing holding her back. Our program teaches CONFIDENCE. For more info on workshops go to the workshops aren't why I'm starting this blog.

This Blog is for free teen girl help! If you don't "get" your daughter, we can help! We will be posting daily with tips on how to set her up for success through confidence! We will have entertaining videos you can show her, amazing interviews with fun, hip experts on teens, and fantastic free stuff along the way! AND IT'S ALL FREE!

My team and I wanted to create a place you could go for answers to your most pressing questions about how to get through to your daughter and how to help her become everything she is meant to be!

I hope you'll join us on this little blogging journey and bring your friends so we can all learn and grow together!


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