Wednesday, April 19, 2017

True Beauty

What is beauty? I think today in society sometimes there is a twisted sense of what beauty really means. But if you search the definition of beauty the first thing that came up was "a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses." Isn't it interesting how it doesn't define a specific size that is beauty, or a specific color. So why do we?

 Alek Wek, a famous model, said something profound about what it is to be beautiful, she said "True beauty is born through our actions and aspirations, and in the kindness we offer others. Beauty should not be culturally relevant, it should be universal."

Lupita Nyong'o shares her journey of learning about beauty in this AMAZING video below.

Lupita Nyong'o on beauty

  We are surrounded by beauty. Its in the human experience, yes life is hard, we've all established that, but there is such a deep beauty in pain! Its the storms in our lives that have gotten us to the place we are at today, and that will lead us to where we will go tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, what has happened to us has no determination or limitation in what we can be, do, or where we can go in life, but if we want and choose to let it, it can help us get to where we want to go. We get to choose to be bitter or better, and there is SO much beauty in choosing to let it make us better. Empathy is learned and it is what makes us real. That is true beauty to me. What is true beauty to you?

Monday, April 17, 2017

The Key to Knowledge!

Have you ever wondered what the key to knowledge is? I have and I will let you in on the secret. Are you ready? YOU!! You are your key to your knowledge. It's true. No one else can give you knowledge until you are ready to take it.
My family and I were driving and this was our discussion. It made me think.... this is what I wanted to share with you this week.
Our discussion started as we discussed what classes the kids would be taking next year. I am sure this is going on everywhere. We discussed with our kids that the only limitation on what they chose to learn was... now this is a big one... THEMSELVES!! You see the only person that usually holds us back are ourselves. We get this idea that we "can't" do something. We all have those thoughts time to time. I have even had the thought, tried, and failed miserably. I didn't stop though. I kept trying. Reaching out and asking for help if I needed.
As long as we put forth the effort, and try we can never limit our knowledge. Now I am not saying you have to love everything you are being taught at school. I have been and I know some subjects do not interest us. Does that mean we give up on that subject? NOPE!! We still need to try. Teachers put in countless hours to teach you. Giving up some of their own personal
time to help you. What I guess I am saying is this, give 100% of yourself and you will get 110% back.
I even have a little challenge for you, now you will need to ask a parents permission. Here is the challenge.....find something you want to learn more about. Anything, cooking, crocheting, sewing, shooting, self defense....etc, The list goes on. Go to your local library, online (with parental permission of course) and learn about something YOU want to learn. It opens up so many doors of opportunity. YOU are the KEY to your KNOWLEDGE!!

As always keep your Ivy Girl Promise!!

Love to you all,
(Northern Nevada Director)

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Mean Girls De-fused

For the last two weeks, 16 incredible women went throughout the state of Utah and did 56 "Mean Girl Makeover" presentations. We worked so hard putting together the best presentation we could that we thought would actually inspire girls to be kind to each other. One moment that stands out to me is a sweet girl that sent in an email after one of our presentations. She said that some girls in her own church group were relentlessly trying to hurt her emotionally. She didn't know how to deal with it- she tried to tell her leaders but they just dismissed it, even calling her "dramatic." There are so many teens who get bullied and don't know what to do. We teach real tools to help kids be their own hero. This beautiful girl made a choice- she was going to take control of the situation. She decided exactly how she was going to respond to get those girls off her back. She had a plan and she had confidence. If that one girl was the only one who felt empowered after our tour, it was well worth it.

If anyone treats you disrespectfully, you have to decide that you don't deserve it. You have to decide to take control. You have to decide that YOU are worth standing up for. We can teach you exactly what to say but we can't say it for you. Your parents can't say it for you. You have to be your own hero. The exciting news is that you CAN! We are here to support you, love you, and cheer you on but you get to be the boss! You got this. Don't ever let anyone poison your beautiful mind and powerful heart. You deserve love, happiness, and safety. Keep your Ivy Girl promise!

Love, Jessie