Friday, June 16, 2017

Powerful Women Inspire

I had every intention of writing this on Mothers Day.  Writing about Motherhood. That day has since past. It was a beautiful day spent with my Mom, her sisters,and my grandma. It was bittersweet as it was the last Mothers Day with my cute grandma.
As I sat in the room with all of them I took a moment to look at each one individually. They all parent different but they all do it with LOVE!! It was amazing to see these strong, beautiful, amazing women who have helped shape me. Memories came flooding back to time spent with each one. It is truly amazing that women can empower each other with out even realizing it.
Look at the women in your life. How have they helped you? How have they empowered you? Sometimes it isn't always rainbows and unicorns. Sometimes it is through tough life lessons. One thing for sure is you are gathering information on how to become the woman you need or want to be.
I want to take a minute and talk about the kindness and love I was taught. I was always taught to be kind to everyone. Include them, love them, and help others. I have watched my own mother love when it wasn't being reciprocated. I have watched as she has served others, expecting nothing in return. I have watched as she has sacrificed her time, knowing she was needed else where. I could write a whole page on her amazing example to me. This was taught through her Mom. Now I am teaching my children. All these lessons have shaped me to be who I am. Does that mean we are 'perfect"? No way, it means we are trying. It means that we are making this world a kinder place. One action at a time. It means we are teaching how to love, be kind and give back to this amazing world!!

Are mothers the only women that inspire? No, there are countless women every day that inspire. Take a look around your community. Teachers, Nurses, Coaches, Doctors, Local women involved through pageants, Law Enforcement, etc. Look deeper at the women behind the scenes of local programs. Everyday we are around women who are working to inspire us. To help us see and reach our true potential.To help spread kindness!!

I am going to give you all a little challenge, This next week look around at all the women in your life. Write down a few things that they have done to help you . Write them a message telling them how their example has helped you. Give them a hug! Pass kindness around! Do something to help inspire someone in your life. You never know who you may inspire. You never know you may be the one thing that person needed!!

PS don't forget to give the men in your life a hug this weekend either!!! Happy Fathers Day to them!! That is a whole other post on how Dads inspire us.

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